Friday, October 31, 2014




牛奶 - 80g
植物油 - 60g 
特幼粉/低筋粉 - 100g(过筛)
蛋黄 - 5颗(打散)

蛋白 - 5颗
幼糖 - 90g
塔塔粉 - 1克 

3. 把蛋白打至发泡加入半份白糖和塔塔粉,继续搅拌至蛋白呈现细腻才加入剩余白糖,继续打至湿性接近硬性发泡即可。(提起打蛋器,蛋白呈现小弯勾) 
4. 把1/3蛋白加入蛋黄糊里搅拌均匀,再倒回剩余蛋白里,轻轻拌匀即可。 
5. 把面糊舀入纸杯里,9分满,送入预先预热烤箱里,
6. 蛋糕从烤箱拿出来,斜躺至凉。
7. 待凉后才挤入柠檬奶油馅和装饰,然后冷藏最好吃的。 


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Steam Chocolate Cake

Steam Chocolate Cake

牛油 180g
砂糖 100g
淡奶 200g (Fresh Milk)
香草精 几滴
鸡蛋 2个 (用叉子打散)
面粉 100g
可可粉 40g
发粉 1/2 tsp
苏打粉 1/2 tsp
1) 将(A)倒入小锅,用小火炖至砂糖和牛油溶解后,熄火后保温。
2) 将鸡蛋打散后加入搅拌均匀。
3) 加入(C)筛入,搅拌均匀。
4) 预热蒸炉。
5) 把面糊倒入杯子里面。
6) 放入蒸炉,蒸10-15分钟至熟.
7) 将杯子蛋糕待凉~装饰
炼奶-140g (Condense Milk)
1) 隔水煮至稍微浓稠,直到顺滑
2) 巧克力酱淋在蛋糕上即
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Strawberry Mousse & Lemon Cream Cake

Strawberry Mousse & Lemon Cream Cake

Makes one 30x13cm cake
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Difficulty: Intermediate

Category: Cakes
Although this recipe may seem quite complicated, it is actually very simple to make.  Each component by itself is quick and easy. The only thing that takes some time is chilling the strawberry mousse. Also, make sure you refrigerate the cake at least three hours before serving.
For the cake:
5 eggs, separated
100g sugar, divided
60ml plain yogurt
60ml heavy cream
85g butter, melted
60g cake flour
pinch of salt
Preheat the oven to 175°C. Line a 30x40cm baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, beat together egg yolks with half of the sugar until pale and fluffy. Add heavy cream and yogurt and continue beating until incorporated. Beat in melted butter. Gradually add flour, mixing until just combined. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat egg whites and salt on high speed until soft peaks form. Slowly add the remaining sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form. Gently fold egg whites into the egg yolk mixture in three additions. Pour batter to onto prepared baking sheet, smooth the surface with a spatula and bake for 10 minutes or until the surface is dry and spongy to touch. Cool the cake completely on the baking sheet and remove parchment paper.
For the Strawberry Mousse:
1 1/2 teaspoons powdered gelatin
2 tablespoons water
200g fresh strawberries, pureed
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
180ml heavy cream
In a small bowl combine gelatin and water and set aside to soften. In a medium saucepan combine strawberry puree, sugar and lemon juice. Cook on low heat until hot but not boiling, stirring constantly. Add gelatin and stir until it is completely melted, making sure it doesn't start boiling. Transfer to a medium-sized bowl and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for two hours. Fold the whipped cream into the strawberry base and refrigerate until spreadable (it should be firm enough to hold its shape).
For the Lemon Cream Filling:
300g cream cheese, softened
3 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
zest of 1 lemon
4 tablespoons lemon juice
250ml heavy cream
In a bowl of a stand mixer, beat cream cheese with powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice until combined. Pour in heavy cream and beat on high speed until the cream is whipped to soft peaks and the mixture is smooth and spreadable. Refrigerate until needed.
To assemble:
Trim edges of the cake and cut it horizontally into 3 equal pieces (approximately 30x13cm each). Place first cake layer on a serving platter and spread with strawberry mousse. Cover with second layer and spread with approximately 2/3 of lemon cream filling. Finish with third layer and spread remaining lemon cream filling on top (but not the sides). Refrigerate at least 3 hours before serving. Decorate each slice with a fresh strawberry.

No Bake Blueberry Yogurt Cake

No Bake Blueberry Yogurt Cake

Yields one 18cm cake
Prep time: 
Difficulty: Basic

Category: Cakes
To make this cake you need an 18cm springform cake pan or a cake ring. You can substitute blueberries with strawberries, raspberries or a combination of summer berries. Also, make sure you refrigerate the cake for at least 4 hours before serving.
For the crust:
140g graham crackers
55g butter, melted
Butter a 18cm springform cake pan. In a food processor, pulse graham crackers until fine crumbs form. Add melted butter and pulse to combine. Press the crumb mixture into bottom of the cake pan. Refrigerate while you're making filling.
For the blueberry yogurt filling:
10g powdered gelatin + 4 tablespoons water
400g natural yogurt
50g sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
zest of one lemon
200ml heavy whipping cream
200g fresh blueberries
Combine gelatin and water in a small pot and set aside for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl whisk together yogurt, sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon zest. Remove the crust from refrigerator and arrange approximately 1/3 of the blueberries over the crust in one layer. Dissolve the gelatin over very low heat and pour it into the yogurt base. Mix to combine. Whip the heavy cream, fold it into the yogurt mixture and pour the filling over base. Cover the pan with cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. When you are ready to serve, run a thin sharp knife around the sides of the cake and carefully remove the cake ring.
Decorate with remaining blueberries and serve with a spoonful of blueberry sauce.
For the blueberry sauce:
200g blueberries, fresh or frozen
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over medium-high heat until blueberries are starting to fall apart and the juices have thickened a bit. This will take 10-15 minutes, depending whether your blueberries are fresh or frozen. Chill before serving.


原味优格戚风 – 18cm中空模
蛋黄 – 3个
蔗糖 – 20g
原味优格 – 42g
低筋面粉 – 65g
粟米油 – 26g
冷蛋白 – 3个
蔗糖 – 40g
粟米粉 – ½ Tsp
/- 将材料A,用手动打蛋器搅拌均匀,备用,
/- 将材料B,用电动打蛋器打发至偏干性发泡
/- 将蛋白糊分3次加入蛋黄糊,用刮刀翻拌均匀,
/- 烤箱预热150度,烤约30分钟或至熟透
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Sunday, October 26, 2014



班兰相思蛋糕~ ( 7或8寸方模)
A. 全蛋 1粒
蛋黄 5粒
牛奶 20g 
粟米油 45g
低筋面粉 65g 
盐 1/4 茶匙或少许 (盐可以综和糖, 不会有甜甜的(死甜)的感觉
我没用班兰汁, 所以:牛奶 60g 加 chocolate emulco 1 大匙
B. 蛋白 5粒
幼糖 80g
塔塔粉 1/4 茶匙或少许 ( 我没用)
1. 将蛋黄,全蛋,粟米油和盐用手搅拌器搅拌后加班兰汁和奶打至起小泡, 
2将过筛的粉类加进(1) 面糊里。搅拌均匀成無颗粒,要轻手(不要搅拌过久, 面粉产生筋性,烘烤时易收缩)。
4. 将打发的蛋白,分三次加入面糊里用刮刀从下翻转上拌均匀。(要轻手,以免消泡)。
5.將蛋糕糊倒入已铺了蛋糕纸的烤盤內抹平,然後將烤盤拿起敲兩下使氣泡減少(蛋糕就会棉密, 不会有大氣洞)

banana muffin

Banana Muffin~香蕉杯子蛋糕🎂~
full cream milk 60ML(我用 Dutch Lady)
corn oil~180ML(粟米油)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Steam chocolate cheese layer cake

【Steam Chocolate Cheese Layer Cake】
食谱来之 Hanfair Tea
★材料 Chocolate Layer
A) 牛油200g                  幼糖220g
B) 蛋4个                       淡奶精180g
C) 普通面粉250g         发粉1茶匙半
     苏打粉半茶匙               可可粉50g

★材料 Cheese Layer
D) Cream Cheese 500g

1) 将A完全拌至松,再加入B搅拌均匀,再拌入已过筛的C粉类,完全混合均匀,分成3等份待用。
2) 将材料D的Cheese加入幼糖打至无颗粒,再分次加入蛋打至幼滑均匀,分成2等份。
3) 将第一份可可糊倒入已铺纸模里,锅水滚后,以中火蒸15分钟。
4) 第一层蒸好拿出,再倒入第二层Cheese糊,蒸10→15分钟。
5) 蒸好移出模,待凉后入冰箱2小时即可。
●温馨分享 以上我以普通面粉200g加50g低粉.. 让结实中筋带着低粉的细腻度。
 ●(也可全用低粉) 在蒸途中,别开锅盖看.. 以免水气滴下面层。 每开盖,倒新一层...将锅盖水份抹干。 愿各位~满意完成!

Monday, October 6, 2014

3 eggs rich chocolate chiffon ca

Rich Chocolate chiffon cake 巧克力心型威风蛋糕
(recipe source: adapted from cookbook Home Baking, with changes)
*makes a 17cm chiffon

For the chiffon
3 egg yolks (large)
10g sugar
40g corn oil
60g milk
70g dark chocolate 
15g cocoa powder or chocolate powder
1/4tsp baking soda
35g cake flour

3 egg white (large)
50g sugar

For cake decoration
Whipped cream (whip 80g dairy whipping cream with 10g sugar over a bowl of iced water)
Mint leaves

1. Melt dark chocolate in a bowl over a bowl of simmering water. Add in milk and combine well, set aside.
2. Whisk egg yolk and sugar, add in corn oil, stir well.
3. Add in cocoa powder and melted chocolate, combine well.
4. Add in cake flour and baking soda, mix well.
5. Beat egg white till foamy, gradually add in sugar (3 times) and beat till soft peak.
6. Use a hand whisk, fold 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter, stir well.
7. Fold in the balance egg white, combine well.
8. Pour batter into the prepared pan and bake in a pre-heated oven at 170C for 30-35mins.
9. Invert the cake pan and remove cake from pan once cake completed cool down.
10. Decorate with cream, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and mint leaves and store in the fridge before consume.